The Charles Williams Society

Author Archives: admin

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An Undocumented CW poem

Justin Tackett was published in Notes & Queries, where he discusses a (new?) undocumented poem of Williams’: BALLADE OF THE PERIODICAL  [June, 1929] You can download the PDF thru above, or download it directly here.

New! The Place of the Lion collector’s edition

For too long, Williams’s work has been out of print or only available in budget-level paperbacks. We’re rectifying this with high-quality, hardbound editions of his work, something suitable for collections and gifts. Finally: modern, hardback editions of Williams’ most compelling, accessible writing – in handsome editions that are worth collecting and sharing. They’re available now […]

Extraordinary General Meeting Update

A quick update! Our Extraordinary General Meeting was held last week – June 16, 2016 – and the attendees unanimously passed the necessary resolutions for the winding up of the society.  More details are forthcoming, and we’ll post them here. In the meantime, if you’d like to stay involved with future incarnations of a Charles Williams society, […]

Taliessin through Logres

Sørina Higgins is mustering a series of blog posts on Taliessin through Logres. There is already a great introduction to the series by Sørina, and Crystal Hurd has covered Prelude.


EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Saturday 18 June 2016 At 12.00 noon The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies St Michael’s Hall, Shoe Lane, Oxford Dear Members, As you know we are in the process of winding up the Charles Williams Society in its present form and have been in conversation with the Oxford C S Lewis […]

Inklings on Twitter

From Sørina Higgins’ Oddest Inkling blog, this announcement: a few Inklings bloggers will be staging a chat on twitter on March 15, at 8pm US Eastern time.  Here’s the writeup: Many members of the Inklings–C. S. Lewis, Warnie Lewis, Hugo Dyson, J. R. R. Tolkien, Neville Coghill, and others–were wont to go on very long walks […]

Call for Papers: Arts + the Inklings

Do you have a paper about Arts & the Inklings burning a hole in your pocket?  Good news! Call for Papers: Arts + The Inklings, September 28-30, 2016 The 2016 Verge Conference at the School of the Arts, Media + Culture Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia, Canada This interdisciplinary arts conference invites presentations […]

Hello Lewis Fans!

You might have seen Charles Williams featured on the most recent episodes of iTV’s show ‘Lewis’!   If you’re just hearing about Charles Williams for the first time, or just looking to find out more about this strange author – welcome!  Wiliams’ novels – often called ‘Supernatural Thrillers’ are great places to start with his […]


Williams’ novels are currently published in the United States or Canada (and should be available in other countries as well).