A Myth of Shakespeare
. London: Oxford University Press, 1928. Hb with homemade dj.
Inscription: >Basil Mathews from Humphrey Milford=; later pencilled note: >Brenda Tee, St Anne’s, Oxford, Long. Vac. 1944′.
Inside is an envelope labelled >Myth of Shakespeare, lent to Geoffrey, 5 June 2001′, and containing a postcard of the Chapel of the
Nine Alters at Fountains Abbey with a message addressed to Miss E. J. Boyde-Smith, The Brown House, Heron’s Ghyll, Uckfield, Sussex,
and postmarked Winchester, 24 Feb 1945.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic, inscribed, >Richard Wallis’ and (on slip of paper) ‘Bequest of Richard and Joan
copy 3:
same publisher, 2nd impression 1929. Hb, inscribed by CW[?], >for Anne from C.W.16-7 October, 1941, my future=s epigraph’. Gift of
Anne Scott.
copy 4:
same publisher, reissued in The Oxford Bookshelf, 1936. Hb.
Three Plays
. London: Oxford University Press, 1931. Hb, inscribed by CW[?], >Olive Willis by whom it came to be 12 May, 1931′. Gift of Anne
Ridler, 1975.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, in plastic dj, no inscription.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date, Hb, no inscription.
Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury
. London: Oxford University Press, 1936. Hb with dj. Inscribed in pencil, ‘Alice Mary Hadfield (CWS)’; also inscribed by CW[?], ‘from
Charles Williams, June, 1936’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed by CW[?], ‘for Joan from Charles Williams August 1937. ‘These sins to thy
love the cause of motion in love=”. Also written in her hand, ‘Alice M. Hadfield’.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, inscribed, >Boughton=.
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb, inscribed, ‘Peter Scott 22.vii.40’.
Cranmer of Canterbury
: Acting Edition for the Festival of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral
. Canterbury: H.J. Goulden, 1936. Pb pamphlet, grey paper cover with CW’s signature; a loose sheet inside states that annotations in
the volume are not those of CW and also gives other information. Inscribed: “The signature on cover is Williams’ own. A.R.”
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Pb pamphlet, pale beige cover, no inscription.
Judgement at Chelmsford
London: Oxford University Press, 1939. Pb, inscribed, ‘Thos. Livingstone Jr.’
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Pb, gift of R. D. Binfield.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Pb, inscribed ‘Brenda Boughton’.
The House of the Octopus
. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1945. Hb, dj in plastic. gift of Alice Mary Hadfield with her signature.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed, ‘Boughton’.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, weak binding.
Seed of Adam and Other Plays
. London: Oxford University Press, 1948. Hb. Inscribed, >Anne Spalding=, gift of Anne Spalding to the CW Society.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, dj in plastic, inscribed, >Boughton=.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, dj in plastic, bequest of Richard and Joan Wallis. Inscription on fly leaf: ‘Joan with love from
Margaret, 1948. “The Peace be with you, and Love which is all substance in all things made” (Grab & Grace)’.
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb no dj. Inscribed, ‘Nora Swithenbank (?), London 1948’ and ‘Boughton’.
Collected Plays.
Introduction by John Heath-Stubbs. London: Oxford University Press, 1963. Hb, dj in plastic. Inscribed: ‘Margaret Douglas 1963’ and
separately ‘Alice M. Hadfield’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, dj in plastic. Inscribed, >Anne Scott=.
Religious Drama 3
ed. Martin Halverson. New York: Living Age Books/Meridian Books, 1959. Pb,
A collection of eight plays, including “The House by the Stable: A Christmas Play“, by Charles Williams, and “Grab and Grace, Or, It’s the Second Step“ by Charles Williams.
1.A-iv Books by Charles Williams
√ Poetry at Present. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930. Hb, blue cloth binding with gold stamped design on
front cover, a bookplate labelled >Book of Thel=, and inscribed, >Thelma Wills from Charles Williams 26 Feb/30′ [followed in a
different hand and ink by] >Anne Scott from Thelma Shuttleworth Xmas 1980′.
The verso of the page after the title page is entirely taken up with a handwritten poem titled >Of LOVE= and >for T.M. 1929′ both
in CW=s hand.
copy 2: same publisher, same date but 2nd impression. Hb, blue cloth binding and gold stamped design on front cover,
no bookplate or inscription.
copy 3:
same publisher, 1931 impression of first edition. Hb; blue cloth binding with gold stamped design on front cover. Inscribed, ‘sold to
Brian Horne, AGM 1981, CW Society’..
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb, grey cloth binding gift of R. D. Binfield.
copy 5:
same publisher, same date. Hb, no inscription.
The English Poetic Mind
. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932. Hb, gift of R.D. Binfield, inscribed, >from Charles Williams, MAY. 1932′.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, inscribed: “Brenda Tee, 80 Francis,Oxford”.
Reason and Beauty in the Poetic Mind
. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933. Hb. Inscribed, >Boughton=; homemade dj.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, gift of R. D. Binfield, inscribed: ‘R.D.B. from C.W. Novr. 33’.
The Figure of Beatrice
. London: Faber and Faber, 1943, 2nd impression. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed, >Dear Brenda, I couldn’t read this.
Perhaps you can. Love, Eileen, Edinburgh 17/9/45′.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date and second impression. Hb, gift of Anne Ridler, inscribed, ‘R. M. Syfret[?] Christmas 1943’ and also ‘for the
CW Society Lib. 1975 AR’.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date and second impression. Hb, inscribed, ‘Peter Scott 12.vii.43’.
Arthurian Torso. Containing the Posthumous
Fragment of
The Figure of Arthur by Charles Williams and a Commentary on the Arthurian Poems of Charles Williams by C. S. Lewis.
London: Oxford University Press, 1948. Hb, binding waterstained. Inscribed, ‘Brenda Tee’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, binding damaged with spine missing. No inscription.
copy 3:
same publisher, 1969 reprint. Hb with dj in plastic. Gift of Agnes Sibley to CW Society, inscribed, >Agnes Sibley=.
The Image of the City and Other Essays,
ed. Anne Ridler. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. Hb with dj in plastic.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic, inscribed, ‘Bougton’.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, no dj, inscribed, >Anne Scott=.
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb, no dj, inscribed, >from Betty Christmas, 1958′.
Selected Writings,
ed. Anne Ridler. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pb.
1.A-v Books by Charles Williams
He Came Down from Heaven.
London: Heinemann, 1938, first edition [I Believe Series, No. 5]. Hb.
The Descent of the Dove. A Short History of the Holy Spirit in the Church
. London:
Longmans, Green, 1939, first edition. Binding poor, inscribed: >Brenda Tee, Longman=s. 1948′.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date, first edition. Hb with dj in plastic. Bequest of Richard and Joan Wallis. Inscribed, ‘from C.W., Oct. 1939,
in love’.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Gift of Alice Mary Hadfield, inscribed, >Alice Mary Hadfield, South Cerney, Cirencester, Glos.=
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb, binding poor. Inscribed: >Peter Scott 15 x 40′.
copy 5:
Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, reprint, 1968. Pb.
London: Faber and Faber, 1941. Hb. Gift of Alice Mary Hadfield, inscribed, ‘A.M. Hadfield 1945 Cirencester’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. No bookplate or inscription.
The Forgiveness of Sins.
London: Geoffrey Bles, The Centenary Press, 1942. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed, =for Joan and Richard, Augt.1942, CW=.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Inscribed, =for Anne 6 August 1942 CW=, gift of Anne Scott.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inscribed, >Boughton=.
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic. No inscription.
He Came Down from Heaven
and The Forgiveness of Sins
. London: Faber and Faber, 1950. Hb. Inscription of bookseller, Bertam Rota, 1974.
copy 2:
same publisher, 1956 2nd impression. Hb, binding damaged. Pasted label with name and address of Anne Scott.
Essential Writings in Spirituality and Theology
, ed. Charles Hefling. Cambridge, Mass./Boston: Cowley Publications,1993. Pb. Contains a loose review.
Religion and Love in Dante: The Theology of Romantic Love
reprinted with Outlines of Romantic Theology by Mary Alice Hadfield.Grand Rapids,
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed ‘Jane from Able, Xmas 1990.’
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inside are loose notes for a review in Theological Book Review, plus invoice from publisher and
a publicity note from publisher.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic..
copy 4:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic.
1.A-vi Books by Charles Williams
London: Arthur Barker, 1933. Hb.
James I
. London, Arthur Barker, 1934 (first edition). Hb.
copy 2:
same publisher, 1951. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed: ‘To Richard Wallis s.x.89’. Bequest of Richard and Joan Wallis.
copy 3:
London: Arthur Barker, 1951. Hb, inscribed, >For R. Binfield from Michal Williams 24.ix.51′. Gift to Society from R. D. Binfield.
London: Arthur Barker, 1935.Hb with dj. With bookplate, ‘Ex Libris Leonard Tomlins’
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, binding weak.
Queen Elizabeth.
Readers Union Limited by arrangement with Duckworth, 1936. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed: >R.D.B. from C.W. 7 Octr 36′. Gift of
R.D. Binfield
copy 2:
same publisher reissued as Queen Elizabeth I. reprint 1953. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed, >for Brenda Boughton=. Given
to Anne Scott at AGM 11-5-85.
Great Lives: Keats, Marlborough, Queen Elizabeth, Wren.
London: Readers Union Limited by arrangement with Duckworth, 1941. Hb. The section “Queen Elizabeth” is by Charles Williams.
Henry VII
. London: Arthur Barker, 1937. Hb.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic.
Stories of Great Names, with notes by R. D. Binfield
. London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, Indian Branch, 1937, reprint 1944. Hb. Gift of R. D. Binfield.
Flecker of Dean Close.
London: Canterbury Press, 1946. Hb with dj in plastic.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with dj in plastic.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb; No dj. Inscribed: >Anne Spalding=.
1.B Poems, Articles and Letters by Charles Williams
>Divites Dimisit.= Theology, vol. 39 Hb, no. 234 (Dec. 1939), 421-24, a poem by CW. Inscribed on cover,
‘Anne Spalding’.
>On the Sanctissimum: with an Epilogue.= Theology, vol. 43 Hb, no. 255 (Sept. 1941), 441-44, six sonnets
with an epilogue. Inscribed on cover: ‘Anne Spalding’.
A Book of Longer Modern Verse
Selected by Edward A. Parker. >Prefatory Note.= by Charles Williams. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926. Hb, grey cloth cover, with water
damage. Inscribed, ‘A. S. Farquhat’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb, grey cloth cover. Inscribed, >Dorah Markham, Sept. 25, 1942.=
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb, dark blue binding, gold stamped title, decorative edging on front cover, and printed on better paper. No
bookplate or inscription.
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
. Ed Robert Bridge London: Oxford University Press (The Oxford Bookshelf edition), 1930. Second edition, with Appendix of Additional
Poems and Critical Introduction by Charles Williams. Hb. Bookplate: Ex libris Stephen Vincent Benét [American poet];
owner’s signature: M. B. Boughton. Inside, a loose sales slip dated 31/10/1979 from Bertram Rota ltd. Booksellers.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inscribed, ‘Judith Todd, March 1931’.
copy 3:
same publisher, 1944. Hb with dj in plastic. Inscribed, ‘M. B. Boughton’.
Shakespeare Criticism 1919-35
selected with an introduction by Anne Bradby. London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, [n.d., first publ. 1936]. (The World
Classics, 186). Hb. The essays on >Henry V=, >Troilus= and >Hamlet= are by
Charles Williams.
The English Poems of John Milton.
London: Oxford University Press, 1940, reprint. (The World Classics, 182). Hb. >Introduction= by Charles Williams. Inscribed in CW=s
hand: >he writes like an angel and thinks like a sage. C.S.L C.W. June-July, 1941.’ Gift of Anne Scott.
>Religion and Love in Dante: The Theology of Romantic Love‘. Dacre Papers, No. 6, Westminster: Dacre Press, 1941, Pb, pamphlet, 40 pages.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Pb, inscribed, >for Irene [?] from Charles, July 1941.=
The Duchess of Malfi
John Webster. London: Sylvan Press 1945. Hb. ‘On the Poetry of the Duchess of Malfi’ by Charles Williams, pp. xv-xxii, with several
annotations. Inscribed: ‘Kenneth Knowles, Nov. 1952.’
The Present Age and Two Minor Ethico-Religious Treatises
Sören Kierkegaard, translated by Alexander Dru and Walter Lowrie. Introduction by Charles Williams.London: Oxford University
Press, 1940. Hb.
The Detective Fiction Reviews of Charles Williams, 1930-1935
. Ed.Jared Lobdell. Jefferson, North Carolina/London: McFarland & Company, 2003. Pb. Inscribed, ‘Boughton’.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Pb.
Letters to Lalage. The Letters of Charles Williams to Lois Lang-Sims
With a commentary by Lois Lang-Sims and an introduction by Glen Cavaliero. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1989. Pb.
To Michal from Serge. Letters from Charles Williams to His Wife, Florence, 1939-1945
. Ed. Roma A. King, Jr., Kent/London: The Kent State University Press, 2002. Hb with dj in plastic.
1.E Books Edited by Charles Williams
Poems of Home and Overseas.
Charles Williams and V. H. Collins, compilers. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921. With bookplate of Louis B. Frewer. Note written above
bookplate states: >signatures of Alfred Noyes and Laurence Housman in text= [see pp. 18, 144].
A Book of Victorian Narrative Verse
. Chosen and introduced by Charles Williams. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. Hb, dark blue cloth cover with gold stamp design; pages
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb with similar cover. Bookplate: Ex libris Chas H. Dixon.
copy 3: s
econd copy, same publisher, 1931 impression. Hb with grey/brown cloth binding.
copy 4:
same publisher, 1930 impression. Hb, grey/brown cloth binding. Some pencilled underlining and notations throughout. Inscribed. Nadja
Betts, Somerville House, Cumberland Gardens, St. Leonard-on-sea, Sussex, 27-01-31′.
The Oxford Book of Regency Verse
Ed. Humphrey S. Milford in collaboration with Charles Williams. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928. Hb, Pencilled on the front endpaper is:
>Charles Williams was responsible for the first draft of a Preface.=
A Short Life of Shakespeare with Sources
. Abridged by Charles Williams from Sir Edmund Chambers=s William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems. London: Oxford
University Press, 1933. Hb. Inscribed, >Charles Williams 28 Jan. 1933.= Gift of R. D. Binfield.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Bequest of Richard and Joan Wallis (on loose slip).
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb with water-damaged cover. Annotation of book-dealer Bertram Rota, 1974.
The New Book of English Verse
. Ed. Charles Williams. London: V. Gollancz, 1935. Hb, binding in poor condition. Inscribed: >R.D.B. C.W. 8 Nov/=35′. Gift of R. D.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inscribed: ‘Gwen Hassant Butler, Christmas 1935’.
The Story of the Aeneid
. Retold by Charles Williams. London: Oxford University Press, 1936. Soft cloth binding. Gift of R.D. Binfield.
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Soft cloth binding. Inscribed, ‘Boughton’.
The Passion of Christ: Being the Gospel and Narrative of the Passion with Short Passages Taken from the Saints and Doctors of
the Church
. London: Oxford University Press, 1939. Hb. Inscribed by CW (?) ‘Isabel, Feb. 1939’.
The New Christian Year
. Chosen by Charles Williams. London: Oxford University Press, 1941. Hb. Inscribed, >Margaret, always C.W.=
copy 2:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inscribed, >for Anne, from CW Lent, 1941.’ Gift of Anne Scott to the CW Society.
copy 3:
same publisher, same date. Hb. Inscribed, >for Joan and Richard in the walk through the darkness, March 1941.=
The Letters of Evelyn Underhill
. Ed. Charles Williams. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1943, 1st edition. Hb. Inscribed, ‘Violet Kelsey Smith, from D. K.,
Xmas 1943’.
copy 2:
same publisher, 1944 reprint. Hb. Inscribed, ‘Margaret Douglas’. Scattered pencilled notations.
Solway Ford and Other Poems
by Wilfrid Gibson. A selection made by Charles Williams. London: Faber and Faber, 1945. Hb, paper dj in plastic.