Below is an index to the classification system we use for our Catalog Archive. It is also available to download as a MS Word doc.
The Charles Williams Society Archival Classification System
I. Works by Charles Williams
[published and unpublished, with the latter coming after the numbered subheadings assigned by Lois Glenn to each category]
i. Poetry
ii. Novels
iii. Plays
iv. Criticism
v. Theology
vi. Biographies
B. Poems and Stories
C. Articles & Letters
D. Reviews
E. Edited Works
F. Correspondence of Williams
G. Bibliography
H Miscellany
II. Works about Charles Williams
A. Personal Recollections of CW
B. Studies about CW (incl. monographs, articles, chapters & dissertations)
C. Reviews of CW’s works
D. The Inklings
E. Working notes of AMH
F. Working notes of others
G. Cartoons / sketches / photographs
III. Events relating to Williams
A. TV programme
B. St Alban’s celebration
C Bodleian exhibition
D. Conferences & workshops
E. Centenary Celebration
F. Funeral, obits, burial
G. Holywell Cemetery – newsletters and appeals
IV. Miscellaneous correspondence
A. Alice Mary Hadfield (from, by, or about)
B Edith Williams
C. Michal Williams
D. John D. Pellow
E. Anne Scott
F. Michael Williams & Clyde Kilby
G. Margaret Douglas
V. The Charles Williams Society
A. Constitution & Rules
B. Other Papers
C. Reference Library
D. Membership Lists
E. Correspondence
F. Individual Members [John Heath-Stubbs, Gillian Lunn, Stephen Medcalf, Martin Moynihan, Barbara Reynolds, Richard Hayward Wallis, Alice Mary Hadfield, Ellis Charles Raymond Hadfield]
G. Membership brochures &. Newsletter
H. Conferences
VI. Other Societies
A. The George MacDonald Society
B. The Dorothy L. Sayers Society
C. C. S. Lewis
VII. Tapes / Recordings
VIII. Artwork & Certificates
[large, flat box]